Happy Summer! ☀️ // *Bonus* Sample included with all Orders ☕



Medium Roast | Pour-over + cold brew


For extraction, we will focus on cold brew today although this roast makes a next level pour-over. For the cold brew, I’ve found through side by side comparison I prefer the Japanese style of flash cold brewing for this roast.

The cold brew has all the same great tasting notes of the pour over – lemon-mandarin, sweet black iced tea, and cream soda. Yes! Cream soda 😀


Pre-wet filter in the sink so as to not go into your glass.
Add ~95g of ice cubes to your preferred glass.
Grind 21g of Burundi ‘Oro’ beans at your typical filter grind setting. Make a well in the ground coffee with a chopstick or another pointy object.


Bloom – 45g water to 1min

Second bloom – upto 70g and stir to 1:15min

First pour – upto 110g water and swirl on the way down

Second pour – finish at 144g water and total time ~3mins

Swirl coffee with the ice cubes to ensure even temperature throughout beverage.


It’s time to enjoy your cold brew coffee 🙂

Add another ice cube or enjoy as is.